ODY sailboat
Principle dimensions:
LOA: 15m
B: 4.2m
T: 0.68m (canoebody)
Δ: 17260kg
Capacity: 6
Class: A
Mission: Ocean worthy, easy to handle, watersports yacht
ODY for sort, was the dream boat of a friend. I “used” her as a customer for my project in Small Craft Design, with Dr. Richard Birmingham in Newcastle
University in 2019. She needed a fast leisure yacht which would be able to be sailed by two people, be ocean worthy and have a lot of space for water toys on
board, like a kite-surf, a windsurf and other. The foremost part of the deck is comprised by three big storage spaces to accommodate such toys.
To make fast, ODY was designed with a narrow hull. She has a ballasted deep keel to prodive a more comforatble ocean trip. ODY is equiped with 3 double beds,
a sofa and a three-sided couch which can also be utilized as extra beds. To make the use of water toys easier, ODY is equiped with a retractable swim platform at
the stern.
When it comes to powering, ODY is equiped with a 64.81m2main sail, a 80.51m2 genoa and a spinnaker. When there is wind is not strong, a 110HP diesel engine, stored under the stairs, is more than capable to take it to its destination.